Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A New Adventure

Today marked a new adventure for me.  I started leading a women's Bible study at church.  For the past 3 years I have been helping out with Bible studies and organizing them but I had never led one.  A couple of months ago I really felt God leading me to actually facilitate a study myself.  Today was the big day for the study to start.  I was so nervous!  Took a picture with the kids before we left.  It was not cute. 
 Then took one of just the kids and it was super cute!! 
 We are going to be studying the book of Nehemiah with a study by Kelly Minter.  It is going to be awesome!  I am so excited.  There was a great group of over 20 ladies there today.  It went great.  I am so excited to continue to study through the book.  God is going to do some big things! 
 After Bible study we went to lunch with Matt.  Nothing better than Chic-fil-a! 

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