Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Fun

It is hard to believe that we are already one month into summer!  It has flown by.  And the great thing is that we still have 2 more months to go.  So far we have stayed super busy!  We have been on the go non-stop.  It has been great.  We have done so many fun things already.  We made a bucket list of things we wanted to do and we are marking them off.  I just love getting to hang out with my kiddos all day!  I have really tried to condense my work hours this summer.  I am trying to only work one day a week so I can spend as much time as possible with them.  It is great!!! 

Monday we met up with our neighbors at the Botanical Gardens.  It was really hot so we just hung out at the water features.  We managed to stay cool and have a great time. 

Today we were up and going early again for another fun playdate.  We met up with some of the Johnsons for the kids to play and the mommies to craft!  Sweet Kim helped me make a sign for Kate's room.  It looks awesome!!  We are finally really close to being done with her room.  I can't wait to show it to you.  Thanks Kim!!!

It has been a great start to the summer!  Can't wait to get to do even more fun things. 

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