Monday, June 4, 2012

Saturday Morning At The Gardens

Several months ago Andrew and Kelly won a membership to the botanical gardens at a silent auction.  They gave it to use since they thought we would get more use out of it.  We finally got around to using it Saturday morning.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day.  Highs were only in the mid 70's and it was sunny!!  Perfect day to spend outside enjoying the beautiful gardens.  We had a wonderful time!!!  I had only been one other time when Ben was 18 months old and Matt had never been.  So it was a new experience for us all.  We are very lucky to have such a great botanical gardens.  It is very large and full of lots of fun activities for kids.

 Ben took a picture of us.  His perspective is a little low! 
 The special exhibit at the gardens right now are beautiful painted butterflies.  There are over 20 with different themes.  The kids had a great time searching for them and picking out their favorites. 

 The butterfly house is just beautiful.  I had a great time playing around with my camera settings to get some fun pictures. 

 They have a wonderful children's garden with lots of fun areas for kids.  Kate was excited to find the prince frog! 

We had a yummy picnic lunch. 

We ended the day over at the aquatic garden.  The kids even got to try out fishing with nets.  It was really fun. 

It was a fun morning!  I am sure we will be headed back soon. 

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