Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Since the weather was so good this weekend, we decided to knock another thing off our summer "bucket list."  We went to a Stars game.  The Stars are the local AA baseball team.  It was kids jersey night so if they wore a sport team shirt they got in for free.  Kate loved getting to wear Ben's old soccer jersey.  We had a great time at the game. It was nice and cool which is unheard of in June. The kids got to meet the team mascot, Homer the skunk. Only in the South would a skunk be a mascot. 

 The kids also got free shirts and Ben could not wait to put his on!  Ben really enjoyed watching the game now that he has played.  He really understood it and asked alot of good questions. 
 Must have some popcorn at a baseball game!
We had a lot of fun.  The Stars won!  I would say it was a great night at the ballpark. 

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