Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Star Wars Room

Operation kids room redo is almost done.  Just a few more things to finish up in Kate's room.  But Ben's room is all done so I thought I would share it today!  I aways said I would not let my kids have "character" rooms.  You would think I would know better than to say something like that.  I have now ended up with a Star Wars room and a princess room in my house!  With both of the room redos my goal was to make them very tasteful and play down the character part.  I love how the Star Wars room turned out.  He didn't necessarily need a room redo but he wasn't really into trains any more so it was time for something a little more big boy.  Since he has a total obsession with Star Wars right now it seemed like it would be a good thing to run with.  My goal was to redo it without spending too much.  I tried to reuse as much as I could and also get things as cheaply as possible. 

Here is the view as you walk in the door.  We did quite a bit of furniture rearranging!  This allows the bed to be the focal point but still lots of floor space for play!
 Here is a close up of the bed.  We used the same bed but added a box springs.  His bed is part of a bunk bed set made by my grandfather in the 50's.  My brother also slept in it so it is a really special bed.  My mom found the comforter at a thrift store for $8!  Just what I was looking for!
The big splurge in the room was the Star Wars sheets.  They are from Pottery Barn.  Ben loves them and I like the fact that they are not overbearing Star Wars!  I also got the pillow sham from Pottery Barn. 
 I found these great coordinating pictures that match the sheets on ebay.  I got the frames 1/2 price at Hobby Lobby. 
 He has a shelf for his trophies and hats and other special trinkets. 
 I kept the nightstand.  This is the nightstand I got on the side of the road.  It fit well with the room and the red accents.  We also got him a Bobo Fet Lego alarm clock that he loves!
 This is the wall opposite of his bed.  I blew up photos from when he fought Darth Vader at Disney World.  I put them in acrylic box frames.  I got the awesome, huge light saber at an online yard sale (it is like 6 feet long). 
 I found this great vinyl sign on etsy.  We placed it on a board. 
We kept his old train table in the room.  He does not use it for trains anymore but he loves to set up his Legos and army men on it.  There is also great storage underneath for toys! 
 This is his reading corner.  We still love the Pottery Barn book shelf and anywhere chair.  The curtain was also reused from his old room.  It still worked great. 
We also added  a cork board for him to place special things on. 
 I framed his certificate he got at Disney World stating he is an official Jedi Knight. 
 One of the biggest accomplishments was cleaning out his room and toys.  It as previously a huge mess!  We got rid of tons of old toys an got down to just the ones he plays with.  His closet is now so organized! 
He just loves is Star Wars room.  It is the perfect room for him to grow into over the next several years.  He is such a big guy these days. 


  1. What a great room. I love the Star Wars theme and at the same time I love how easily it could be changed if need be. Very cool!

  2. Where did you get this train table? What brand is it? Love it!
