Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hanging With The Fishes

We had a fantastic time in Atlanta!  Sunday we still had some more adventures before we headed home.  We ate breakfast at the Silver Skillet.  It is an old diner that looks just like it did in the 60's.  It was really neat to show the kids such a fun place to eat. 
Then we headed over to the Georgia Aquarium.  We had never been there before and had heard great things about it.  We got there just as it was opening which was a great thing since the crowds got HUGE later in the morning and it was hard to get around.  The first couple of hours were great though. 
We had a great time exploring all the different exhibits and checking out all the fish. 
I think the beluga whales were everyone's favorite. 
The kids loved hanging out with the penguins. 
The volunteers and staff at the aquarium were amazing!  Everywhere we turned there was someone to show us what to do or give us tips.  As we walked in a volunteer told us a little secret.  He told us to go into one of the ballrooms because you could stand right up against the glass and see the beluga whales.  It was awesome because no one else was there and the whales would come right up to the glass if you put your hand on it.  The kids loved it!!

The kids also had fun running around and playing together!
The Georgia Aquarium has the largest tank in the world.  It is pretty amazing!

The kids love the episode of Diego where the rescue a whale shark.  There are 3 whale sharks at the aquarium.  They are HUGE!
One of the great volunteers asked to take a family picture of us. 
We ended the tour by going to the Dolphin Tale show.  It was so cool!  They had dolphins that did amazing tricks that were all set to music.  We all sat mesmerized on the edges of our seats. 

It was a great weekend!  So fun to just get to hang out as a family and do things we all enjoyed.  I love our sweet little family and feel so blessed. 

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