Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sweet Kids

I love my sweet kiddos!  There are days they are a challenge but I wouldn't trade the opportunity to be their mom for anything.  It is hard to believe that school starts back one month from tomorrow.  The summer has been just wonderful and I am not sure I am ready for it to end.  I was talking to Ben the other day and I said, "I sure am going to miss you when you go to school everyday."  He was very serious and said, "I am going to miss you too mommy but you will be ok because you will still have Kate to play with."  Love that sweet boy!! 
I also have to throw in a Kate funny.  A couple of weeks ago Matt was taking the kids to the pool and they got there but it started thundering so they closed the pool.  The kids were so sad that Matt took them to Taco Bell to make it up to them.  So yesterday afternoon it started storming.  Kate heard the thunder and said, "it's storming so we can go to Taco Bell right?"  Love how kids remember everything!
These amazing pictures were taken this spring by our awesome photographer Simplicity by Christy. I  borrowed them off her blog.  You can check out her awesome work by clicking on the link on the side of my page. 

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