Thursday, July 12, 2012

Much Needed

In the last few days not only have we gotten much needed rain but the kids also got much needed haircuts.  We love Mrs. Brittni who usually cuts our hair but she is enjoying her sweet new baby so we had to go somewhere new.  I thought it would be fun to try the kids salon in town called Spoiled Rockin Kidz.  It is specifically for kids and they make haircuts fun.  The kids were super excited to try somewhere new and loved getting to sit in the fun chairs.  Kate of course chose the pink car. 
 Ben wanted the race car!
 They had a lot of fun and enjoyed balloons and suckers after it was over.  It was a fun new experience but we will look forward to Mrs. Brittni being back soon. 
 Kate loves showing off her new haircut.  Her hair had gotten very long!  But it was starting to look stringy and not pretty so we had a bunch cut off.  I guess you could call it her first "big" haircut.  We had about 2-3 inches cut off.  She looks so pretty. 

 Ben loves his "surfer boy" haircut.  He is such a big boy these day!

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