Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Tour of Homes - Foyer & Study

Today you can get a little peak at the very front of our house.  We really don't have much of a foyer.  This is the view from the front door.  The foyer is very open and you can see all the way into the living room. 
 The dining room is to the right. 
 And the study is to the left.  With the door openings there just isn't much room to put much in the foyer or even do much on the walls. 
 I have just a few things in the foyer.  My favorite thing is our family scripture verse on the wall.  I custom created this with someone I found on etsy.  I have always wanted to put this at the entrance to our house since in Deuteronomy is says to put this verse on the doorposts of your home.  I figure having it in the foyer is pretty close!
The walls in the foyer are really small so not much fits but this picture fits perfectly!  It is from our honeymoon.  We bought it on St. Thomas and I love having it as you walk into the house.  Reminds us of that great time!
Just up from the actual foyer area we have another small area where I have put a bench and some of our favorite pictures.  I love our wedding jumping picture so I am glad to display it as you come into the house. 
 Now on to the study.  We don't really use this room that much now that we have a laptop.  Previously we used it a bunch since that was where our computer was but now the laptop stays in the living room so the study doesn't get much use.  I love the french doors that open into the room. 
Here is the room.  It has pretty muted colors of tans, browns and oranges.  Actually over the years it has sort of morphed into our Auburn room where we keep all our Auburn memorabilia. 
 We got this awesome bookcase a builder sale.  I LOVE it.  It holds so much stuff.  We have a couple of Auburn shelves along with some of our favorite books and photos.  The bottom is full of all those wonderful papers and things you have to keep. 
 We also keep Matt's guitar in the room.  I hope that one day this will turn more into a music room.  One day the kids will hopefully play the piano and we will keep it in here.  We love music and I sure hope the kids will as well. 
This is the desk area.  The desktop computer no longer works so it is really not used.  We have our Auburn diplomas hung over the desk along with a picture of the doors of Auburn.  I actually lived in 2 of the places that are featured in the doors of Auburn so it is really special. 
 Our latest addition to the room is the National Championship painting!  We love having this new addition to the room. 
We have a nice little seating area.  Matt and I like to sit in here and talk when we are trying to escape the craziness of the kids. 
It is nice to have this extra room in our house to keep things organized in and also to have a special place for our Auburn stuff.  


  1. We have an identical bench, and black framed pictures above it. I guess that means we both have great taste!
