Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cracking Us Up...

Every once in a while I try to post some of the funny things the kids say so I can remember how funny they were at this age.  Lately they have just been cracking us up with some of the things they say.  I don't have any pictures today.  Totally mean to take some but I am just too tired.  We have been staying up way to late watching the Olympics!  

Speaking of the Olympics...

The other night we were watching synchronized diving and the Mexican pair came up to the board.  Ben said, "Mexicans - they have good restaurants."  

We are hopefully going to get to find out this weekend if Andrew and Kelly are having a boy or a girl.  This has led to some funny conversations...

Out of nowhere at dinner one night Kate said, "I am going to have a cousin.  It will be a girl and she will be named Princess Daisy."  (Kelly said they would take the name under consideration).  

At another random lunch Ben said, "I think they are having a boy.  I can sense these things you know."  

At lunch yesterday Ben said the prayer...

"Thank you God for everything you made.  Thank you for the food.  Thank you for my family.  And thank you for the person who wrote Star Wars."  
The boy is totally obsessed.  But at least he is thankful and prays for George Lucas.  

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