Thursday, August 2, 2012

Going For The Gold

Olympic fever has taken over the Eckley household for the last week.  We are loving the Olympics!  The TV stays on most of the day and we watch whatever sport is on.  Matt and I have been staying up late each night watching to see what happens.  The kids are really enjoying all the different sports and cheering for the USA.  So far synchronized diving and water polo are Ben's favorites.  I (like most women) like the gymnastics and swimming.  I laugh when my heart starts beating fast as I watch a swimming race.  The lady interviewing those poor swimmers when they are done is cracking us all up.  She asks the worst questions!   Everything has turned into a race with medals awarded including who can buckle their seat belt fastest (I still have yet to medal in this event).  It really has been fun!  We are looking forward to another week of watching the Olympics.  

Tonight we went to the local yogurt place and their "Go for the Cold" event.  We are eating our yogurt in support of the USA.  
Here the kiddos are watching the rowing event tonight.  
 Cheering on the USA ladies to a gold medal!

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