Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Tour of Homes - Outside

I took last week off from the tour of homes so thought I would finish off this week with a little look at our outside.  Here is the front of our little house!  
When we were building our house I knew I wanted a cool vine to grow over the arch of the doorway.  We started growing wisteria a couple of years ago and it is amazing.  It just keeps growing and growing.  I just love it!  I am not good at growing things but hopefully I can get up the courage to grow some potted plants by the front door soon.  
 I try to change out the front door decorations each season.  I made this fun watermelon burlap door hanger for the summer.  I think it is fun.  Can't wait to pull out our Auburn wreath for the fall.
We are not the best landscapers on the block but we have worked hard to get some good looking flower beds.  The hot, dry summer has not helped how they look so imagine it looking a little better.
 We are super excited out the latest addition to our landscaping.  Matt has been asking to have a rock border put in since we moved into the house.  Every time I would do a renovation inside he would ask when he was going to get the rock border.  So last week we finally got it!  It looks awesome!

 It goes all the way around the house!
 This is our back porch.  Very sad looking.  Our next big project is going to be to add a flagstone patio, firepit and then screen in the back porch.  I cannot wait!  It is going to be great to have a fun outdoor entertaining space.  I have seen some awesome porch projects on Pinterest.
 This is our Toomer's Oak that we have in our backyard.  It is growing great.  Probably one of our favorite things in the yard.
 And this is the kid's favorite part of the yard!
Well, I guess that is about it!  You have seen all our house now.  Hope you have enjoyed and now we have a record of what our house looked like in 2012.

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