Monday, August 6, 2012

Back To School Shopping

I would like to say I am in denial about school starting back.  We have had such a great summer and I am not ready for school to start back.  On the other hand I have 2 kiddos that are super excited to start back to school.  This weekend was the tax free weekend so we decided it was a good time to go get some supplies.  I have always loved school supply shopping.  It is like a "right of passage" for the start of school.  The crowds were a little crazy and we had a hard time finding just what we needed but overall we had a good time and have everything ready for Ben's first day of school.  So excited for him!
 We also went and checked out the class lists that were posted this weekend.  I remember doing the same thing when I was little and it was always so exciting to see who your teacher was and who was in your class.  We are so excited for Ben!  He has an awesome teacher, Mrs. Davis and he knows several of the kids in his class.  His class is a perfect size at 14.  It is going to be an awesome year.  It is such an huge answer to prayer as well.  God is working out all the details perfectly for this school year and we can't wait!
I can't believe my little guy is going to be in kindergarten.  How exciting!  Now we will just enjoy the next 2 weeks of summer!

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