Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Gender Reveal

I only had a baby a little less than 3 years ago but things have changed so much in those 3 years.  One of the big things that has changed is gender reveal parties.  It is a fun way to let everyone know what you are having.  Saturday we got to go for our first ever gender reveal party for Kelly and Andrew.  It was awesome!!!  We could not wait to find out if it was a little boy or girl.  Kelly of course went all out for the party.  The decor was all orange and yellow.  So cute!

 Everyone was supposed to wear pink or blue to show what they thought the baby was going to be.  I found these super cute big cousin shirts for the kids to wear.  They were so excited.  Ben thought it was going to be a boy (he senses these things) and all the rest of us were wearing pink.
 This was the big box that held the answer we were all waiting to learn. 
 My awesome brother and Kelly!  Don't they look so cute.  They are going to be awesome parents.  And you can see their votes.
 We all voted by signing a photo mat in the color we thought.
 We got to wear the cutest little stickers to show our vote.
 One of their friends made this awesome shirt for her little boy.  Since Kate wanted to name the baby Princess Daisy there was a little Team Daisy movement!!
 Super cute Kate!!  Excited to find out.
 There were lots of family and friends at the part all ready to see what it was going to be!

 Then it was time!
 And out came BLUE balloons!!  IT'S A BOY!!!!

 So exciting!!!  You could hear Ben yelling over the top of all the screams "I told you so!!!"  He was pumped!

 All the kids had fun playing with the blue balloons.
 We got a fun little onesie that said "I'm the little cousin."  Can't wait for the little guy to wear it!
 We also all submitted suggestions for names and they ended the night reading them.  It was really funny.
What a fun night it was.  I am so excited about my new little nephew in January.  He is already one little loved boy.

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