Wednesday, August 8, 2012

More Olympic Fun

We enjoyed another night of Olympic fun last night (well we have been every night but last night was special).  Our awesome neighbors the McClures came over for dinner and some Olympic activities.  We started out with some Olympic crafts.  
 We did some pool noodle Olympic ring painting.
 Then each of the kids made a flag for the country they were cheering for.

 Then we went outside for some Olympic type activities.  There was balloon badminton and some volleyball.  
 And some pool noodle hurdles.

 Of course no Olympic party would be complete without some Olympic watching.
 Dressing up as Minnie and a fairy is an Olympic sport right?
 Hudson won the gold medal for one year old walking.
 The daddies even got in on some boche ball action.
It was a fun evening with friends.  What a great way to support team USA!!

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