Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Kate's First Day

Sweet Baby Girl (although she doesn't let me call her that any more - she says "I am not a baby) had her first day of "school" today.  She was super excited to get to go to school since Ben got to go yesterday.  It was a tough morning getting everyone up and going early but we did it!  Of course we had to pose for those traditional start of school pictures.  

 I know her bag is a little crazy.  We had a fun design all picked out we are were going to do with puffy paint but we had a little accident with the paint so we just went with it.  It is 80's retro splatter paint.
 She was so happy to get to school!  She ran right into her classroom and didn't look back.  Love that!
 I enjoyed getting to go to work and get caught up on things.  I love mainly being home in the summer having fun with the kids but it is good to get back to a routine and back to work.  Kate seemed to have a great day.  She didn't bite anyone so that is always a good thing!  She was worn out and fell asleep in the carpool line to pick up Ben.
So glad everyone had 2 great first days of school.

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