Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting Into A Routine

We are now 3 days into our new normal of school.  So far so good.  Everyone is just loving school which makes it so easy.  Ben wakes up so excited every morning to head to school.  What a blessing!!  I am loving that I get to spend more time at home this year.  Since I am not driving over the mountain 2-3 times a day I feel like I have way more time which is awesome!!  Kate and I have had a lot of fun together the last few days when she has been home.  It is fun to have her by herself. She cracks me up!  We are figuring out our routine.  I have to pack lunches at night and we have to be in the bath tub by 7:30.  But it is all going great.  

On Monday Matt, Kate and I went up to the local nature preserve to have a little picnic.  We enjoyed being outside (the weather has been really nice for August).  
 We of course had to go to Sweet CeCe's to celebrate back to school.  Nothing says school like frozen yogurt!

Tonight Ben started Mission Friends at church.  It is a wonderful program on Wednesday nights where they go and learn about missionaries all over the world.  He was super excited because he loves missions but also because he gets to see his church friends in the middle of the week.
Well, I guess you can say we are adjusting.  Off to a great start.  Will see how it continues to go.  I'll keep you posted.

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