Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Happiest Age

Today is a super special day!  Matt turned the big 3-3!!!  Woo hoo!!!  How fun!  Birthdays are always so much fun.  Well today wasn't the best day for fun since everyone had work and school but we made the best of it.  The kids loved hugging and hanging out with daddy when he got home from work.  
The nurses that Matt works with gave him some really fun balloons that the kids had a blast playing with!  
 Of course there were presents!  We got him a new watch, an Auburn shirt, some new gardening books and a Wii game.
 We had his favorite dinner of baked spaghetti and then I made a red velvet cake from scratch.  The cake didn't turn out that great but the kids loved singing birthday to the birthday boy!
What a fun time celebrating Matt!  It was pretty low key but we will keep celebrating over the next few days.  I read a recent study that says the age 33 is the "happiest age."  I don't know what that means exactly but we sure hope Matt's 33 year is the best ever.

We feel so blessed to have him in all of our lives.  I don't know what I would do without him.  He completes me for sure.  He is amazing father and husband.  The spiritual leadership he provides our family is the best.  He challenges me to be a better person.  I am so proud to call him my husband.  Happy Birthday Sweetie!!  We love you!!!

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