Sunday, August 19, 2012

Last Weekend of Summer

School starts back tomorrow so we knew we needed to have a great last weekend of summer.  Friday night the kids went to the church childcare and got to play with their friends.  Since we were kid free, we went out to dinner with the Johnsons.  We always have so much fun with them.  Lots of laughing.  After dinner, we went to Barnes and Noble and looked around.  That is such a fun way to amuse yourself.  I am super sad I won't get to see Kim everyday this year since the boys will be at different school.  Just means lots of girls nights in our future.  
 Saturday morning I hit some yard sales and got some fun things!  Then we went to a local park for a picnic with our life group.  We had a blast getting to see friends and play.
 Kate and her BFF Genevieve.  These 2 are impossible to separate when they are together.  They have so much fun.  Two very strong willed little girls together makes for some interesting fights but they quickly get over it.
 The boys had a great time playing, running and climbing.  This was right before a big fall by Micah.
 The dads enjoyed playing some bochee ball.  It was a great time to hang out with our awesome friends.  We don't get to do it nearly enough.
 I then got to do something really special.  I went along with Kelly and Andrew as they registered for baby stuff.  So fun!!  I love baby stuff so we had a great time checking everything out.  Things have changed a lot in the 6 years since we registered for Ben.  There are some many new great baby things out there.  Doesn't Kelly look so cute?  Can't wait for the little guy to get here.
Today we enjoyed a great day at church.  The afternoon was spent getting ready for school!!!  AHHHH!!!  We filled out so many forms and wrote a bunch of checks.  Got lots of lunch food (the grocery store was crazy).  The lunch box and backpack are ready to go.  I think we are all systems go.  So exciting.  Now to get to bed.

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