Friday, August 17, 2012


We have had a crazy last 18 hours.  Over that time I have been to 2 parent orientations and 2 open houses for the new school year at 2 different schools.  There has been lots of back and forth but it has been great.  I am a little overwhelmed at all the paperwork and things to figure out but I will get it all done (sometime).  

First up this morning was Kate's open house.  She is moving up to the older 2's class this year.  Most of her friends from last year will be back along with a few new friends.  She ran right into the classroom gave out hugs and started playing.  She is ready for the year!

 She has two great teachers - Mrs. Janice and Miss Kristina.
This afternoon Ben and I got to go over to his new school for him to meet his teacher and see his classroom.  He carried all of his supplies in.  I thought he looked so cute with his backpack and nap mat.  
He was so excited to meet his teacher - Mrs. Davis.  She is amazing!!!  We are thrilled that Ben is in her class.  She has been teaching kindergarten for 26 years.  It is going to be an awesome year.  Ben was so cute introducing himself to her.  They hit it off!
 Here he is in his desk.  He is all ready for school to start Monday!!
Wow!!  What a whirlwind it has been.  So excited for things to get started next week (so much to do before then though)!!

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