Thursday, August 30, 2012

The New Reality

So this whole having a Kindergartner has brought a whole new reality that I don't know if I am ready for.  The joys of car pool line.  Thankfully Granna takes Ben to school a couple of days a week so I don't have to do it every day.  There is just something about saying car pool line that makes me feel old.  I sit in my mini van in car pool line.  Really?  When did I get old enough for that.  We are slowly figuring out how early we have to leave and when I have to get in line for pick up.  It is a balancing act.  Here is the morning view...
 And the afternoon view...
 Just lots of waiting.  Thankfully I have a fun girl to help keep me company.  Afternoon pick up is during nap time so we are struggling a little bit with that but we are making it.  I think we are getting close to giving up the nap which is just sad!
 All the waiting is worth it when we get to see this guy...
 He is still loving school.  He even enjoys doing his homework.

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