Friday, August 31, 2012

It's That Time!!!!

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us!!!  Yes that's right college football season has started!  Always such an exciting time of the year.  Matt and I could sit around for hours and talk about football games.  Some of our best memories are tied to football games.  I really do think on a Saturday in the fall we could sit from 9 am until 11 pm watching football games.  Doesn't even matter if we care about the teams.  We just love football.  Things have changed now that we have kids.  We sure don't get to sit and watch for that long.  We are lucky to catch some of the Auburn game (plus we don't have cable so we don't get watch that many games).  But we still love it.  

One of the best things about football season is that your wardrobe is set for Fridays and Saturdays.  You must wear your team colors!  The kids just looked so cute the last couple of days sporting their Auburn gear.  

We are ready for the season.  Now we just have to figure out how we are going to watch the game tomorrow.

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