Saturday, September 1, 2012


Today our sweet boy turns 5 and 1/2.  He is not closer to 6.  WOW!!  That is a big deal for little people.  He is excited to get to tell people he is 5 1/2 when they ask how old he is.  Thinking about his 1/2 birthday made me think of his 6 month birthday.  It was also the first Auburn game of the season.  We were in Auburn!  What fun it was to introduce the little guy to Auburn so early.  How cute was he?  Love those big eyes.  

 And look at him now...
 Just as cute if you ask me.  He is such a sweet boy.  I am amazed everyday by his compassion for others.  He has changed so much over the last 6 months.  He has become so independent.  I am awed everyday by how much he can do on his own.
 His obsessions these days are Legos and Adventures in Odyssey.  He spends hours in his room building with Legos and listening to Odyssey on his iPod.  He loves to play with his friends and really enjoys all sports.
 He has the best sense of humor.  He keeps us laughing.  There is nothing like his sweet laugh and his crazy jokes.
 I can't believe how big he is getting!  He has grown like 2 inches this summer and gained 5 pounds.
What a blessing he is to us!!!  We love you Ben.  It's on to 6 now!

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