Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

We have had an excellent Labor Day weekend!  It has been super low key which has been great.  We got caught up on some sleep and got to hang out as a family.  Friday night we really just hung out at home.  AWESOME after a long busy week.  Saturday morning was chores around the house.  Then we met the Johnsons for a playdate at Chick-fil-a.  The kids looked so cute with their "table divided."  They can still be friends even while they root for different teams.  
 Saturday evening was game time!  I got some cute pictures of our cuties prior to the game.

Practicing their "Touchdown Auburn!!"  The game didn't turn out quite like we wanted but they did play ok.  It wasn't a blow out (sad when that is all you can say about the team).  We found out on Friday that we couldn't watch the game on the computer this year so thankfully my dad invited us over to watch the game with him.  He even made super yummy grilled pizza for us.  It was nice to be back to college football Saturdays.
 Sunday morning we went to church then all enjoyed naps!  Everyone needed them believe me.  Sunday night was a family Wii night.  Ben's current favorite Wii game is the Olympics game so we had a fun time competing against each other in the Olympics.  Ben rocks out some rowing!
 Kate enjoyed destroying the playroom while we played Wii.
Today was Labor Day and it was highly uneventful.  Matt had to work and there was laundry and grocery shopping that needed to be done.  So I guess it was a true labor day in the fact that we worked! It was nice to have Ben home from school.  I let the kiddos just veg most of the day which was really nice.  We are nice and relaxed from a great weekend and ready to take on the week.

I am going to be travelling for work some this week so blog updates might be spotty.  Forgive me!  Hopefully I can still get some things up.

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