Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cleaning Out

I was going to post this yesterday but I got too busy working on all these clothes...

I am going to go ahead and admit it (I think I have before and it doesn't seem to help)...  I have a serious problem with over buying children's clothes.  At last count I had over 28 large containers full of clothes in the attic.  They were all just sitting there so I figured it was finally time to start doing something with all the clothes.  It was a little overwhelming at first but I started with the girl stuff (of which I had less since she is only 2).  I went through the clothes and picked out what I was going to keep and what I was going to get rid of.  I divided it all out by size then people came and started looking.  Lots of friends came first and bought tons!  Yesterday I started posting it on the Facebook yard sale sites I am on.  It is great to be cleaning out and making some extra money.  It is much more manageable now.   

Cleaning out has been hard for me at times.  There are so many great memories in each of the outfits.  I look at each one and am taken back to a fun time.  But it is also a good thing (or at least I am telling myself).  
And because no one cares about me selling clothes and you just want to see pictures of my kiddos...  Kate cracks me up everyday.  Her latest thing is a passion for band aids.  She will make up boo boos just to get a band aid.  It is so funny to me because Ben HATES band aids.  He could have a huge cut and he would rather have it bleed all over than get a band aid.  
 My sweet boy!  Every afternoon he comes in from school and goes straight to his room.  He wants to listen to Odyssey on the ipod (his latest obsession) and play Legos.  It is his "chill out" time.

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