Monday, September 17, 2012

Lost Tooth Weekend

What an exciting weekend it was around our house!  Friday night we were all very tired so we had a family movie night and went to bed early.  Saturday was the big day!  Yep Ben lost his his first tooth on Saturday morning.  The tooth had been wiggly for a couple of weeks and Matt pulled it out about 10 minutes before we left to go to his soccer game.  He was so excited!  
 Then it was off to the soccer game!  He was so cute because the whole time his tongue was sticking through that whole in his mouth.  It was really hot!!  Nothing like blazing heat in September.

 My little guy loves soccer because he gets to hang out with his friends.
 The rest of Saturday was spent watching football and hanging out as a family.  The big excitement came Saturday night when Ben got to put his tooth under his pillow.

 He woke up Saturday morning to a golden dollar!
 Sunday was busy with church but we did fit in a bagel run before church.
 I helped out hosting a baby shower for my friend Hannah in the afternoon.  Uncle Andrew was super sweet to come over and watch the kiddos while I went to the shower since Matt was in Birmingham for a work meeting. They had fun.  When I got home the kids and I had a great time playing and jumping on the bed.  I love getting to play with my kiddos.
Ben could not wait to get to school today so he could write his name on the lost tooth poster!  The exciting days of a kindergartner.  Now it's on to a new week.  Can't wait to see what it brings.     

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