Monday, September 10, 2012

Mommy's In Atlanta

I made it home from a great 4 days in Atlanta on Saturday evening.  I was at the Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition's Pediatric Weight Management Conference.  It was 32 hours of continuing education and learning.  I sat for about 10 hours a day learning all sorts of great things!  Really it was a great conference and I am so glad I got to go.  It was fun to get to be a professional for a few days instead of mommy who works some on the side.  A lot has changed in practice over the past 6 years so it was good to learn about some new strategies to use in reaching my patients.  Here was my view for 3 days...
 I got the awesome opportunity to attend the conference with my co worker Desiree.  We had a great time laughing and hanging out for 4 days.  We ate some awesome meals and did some fun shopping.  We even got to "sleep in" a couple of mornings (sleeping past 5:30 is sleeping in for me).  One night we went and had dessert at a restaurant called Southern Art.  Chef Art Smith is the owner.  I had the most amazing chocolate-caramel pie!  Yep we had tons of calories after sitting and listening about obesity for 3 days.
While I was gone, Matt was super, awesome Mr. Mom!!!  We had worked out a pretty complicated schedule of family and friends to help out with the kids.  I could not have gone without all of their help. Thank you guys so much!!!  Matt did a great job of holding everything together (other than putting jelly on Ben's sandwich on Friday which was the end of the world for Ben).  The kids had a great time having so much time with Daddy!  They didn't even seem to miss me.  Gave me hugs when I got home and then just went back to playing.  I sure did miss them even if they didn't miss me.

Since I am the picture taker in the family there weren't many pictures from when I was gone.  My friend Ashley did take some of Kate on the morning she took her to school!  Kate was so excited to get to ride to school with Kaylee and Hunter.

It was a great few days away but I am glad to be back and back to the routine!  This week is super busy so I will hit it hard getting back into the routine!

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