Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Soccer Game

Saturday morning Ben had his first soccer game.  I hated I had to miss it but Matt did a good time taking some pictures.  Here is our cutie in his uniform.  They are the white team and are trying to come up with their team name.  So far the Icebergs and Ice Dragons are the leading contenders.  
 I mentioned before that Ben is probably not going to be a soccer star.  It was pretty evident at the game.  He loves playing but is just not very aggressive.
It is all about the social aspect for Ben.  When I asked him how the game was all he talked about was how there were 5 people on the other team that he knew.  He was also making play dates during the game.  That's our little social butterfly.  
He did have some good plays.  
 I love this picture of Kate and my dad!  It's always nice to have his help so we can watch the game.

We are so glad our little buddy has fun playing sports and hanging out with his friends.

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