Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Crazy Week

This was one of the weeks on the calendar that I had marked as one that you just make it through.  It seemed that there was something every single minute!  It has been a bit crazy but we are making it.  

It started early on Monday morning with Grandparent Breakfast at Ben's school.  Mema and Opa were able to take him.  They all had a great time.  
Monday morning I took 2 fun little girls to Publix so we would have some food to eat for the week.  I worked both Monday and Tuesday afternoons so that makes things a little complicated.  Monday night we also went and hung out with our friends the Phillips.
 Tuesday morning I worked in the library at Ben's school.  I signed up to be a library volunteer.  I got to learn the ropes from the best teacher - my mom!  It was fun to work with her.  Ben's class came to the library while I was working and it was fun to watch him interact with his class and get to check out his first library book.  Last night we also had soccer practice.
 Today Kate and I started BSF for the year.  We were both so excited.  Seriously everyday this summer she asked if we were going to Bible Study.  We are studying the book of Genesis this year which I am stoked about.  It is such a great book and I can't wait to learn.  My group seems awesome which I am super excited about.  Can't wait to see what's in store.  Kate was in heaven getting to be with her friends and learning.
So we have made it halfway through the crazy week!  Lots more to do but we are making it.

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