Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rocket Man

Matt and I had the awesome opportunity to spend the evening last night with "The Rocket Man" - Elton John.  When we told people that we were going to the concert we got the same answer "I didn't know you were Elton John fans."  Yes we are!  It's a long story.  I've always enjoyed his music and he last came to Huntsville in 1999.  It was the night of my senior prom and I wanted to skip the prom and go to the concert.  Matt wouldn't let me skip it and promised that we would go see Elton one day.  It just took over 13 years but we finally got to go see him!  We had to buy tickets back in June when they went on sale because they sold out in 30 minutes.  We were so excited to go!!  Our seats were up in the nose bleed section but it was still great!
The show was awesome!!  You gotta love the purple sparkly outfit!  He played most of his hits which was lots of fun.  We were amazed by his musical abilities.  He played the piano amazingly!!  They had a camera right on the piano so you could see him playing.  It was awesome.  He sang and played for 2 1/2 hours straight.  No break.  It was really cool.
Ok so I think we were one of a few people in the audience under the age of 50.  We still loved it!
It was great to get to spend the evening with my sweet hubby!  Elton ended the night by singing "Your Song."  We don't technically have "a song" but if we did it would be "Your Song."  So that was a great way to end a fun date night.

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