Monday, October 15, 2012

Busy Weekend

I am sure I have used that title for a weekend post before but I run out of things to say about the weekend.  And this one was a very fun but busy weekend.  I was so looking forward to it.  It started on Friday night when we dropped the kids off at the church for parent's night out.  Awesome!!  We met up with the Johnsons and went to dinner at Surin.  It is our favorite thing to do with them.  We laughed and had a great time.  We even went on a Sonic run after dinner that just made us feel old in our minivan with all the high school kids "hanging out."  
Saturday morning it was up early for the Hampton Cove yard sale.  Kim came over and braved it with me for the first time.  We had a blast checking out all the "junk."  Didn't get anything wonderful but got a few fun things including a great pair of tennis shoes for myself.  It was a fun way to spend the morning.  Ben had a soccer game that Matt got them to while we were shopping.  I was able to stop by for a little bit on the way to a baby shower for my sweet friend Jessica.  I was so excited to help with the shower for baby Hollis.  He is going to be here in about 4 weeks and I can't wait!!!!  The shower was great.  Lots of "girl talk" and baby gifts.

By this point I was getting tired but we still had more fun to go.  It was the 20th anniversary of our neighborhood so the HOA put on a big party.  Tons of free food, games and music at the community house. We had a great time visiting with neighbors and playing.
 Kate enjoyed her first face painting experience.

We were all exhausted after the long day!  Lots of good sleep for all.  Sunday we enjoyed a relaxing day at church and then napping at home.  I loved this sweet picture of my boys at lunch.  They are both so cute!!

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