Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Last Few Days In iPhone Pics

I noticed I had a few random iPhone pics from the last few days that I needed to share so I thought I would do a random post.  

I just love this picture of Matt and Kate.  So sweet with my little girl snuggled up with awesome hubby.  He really is the best daddy in the world.  He loves watching princess movies with Kate on his phone.  That is true love!
 Yesterday we did a little Halloween costume shopping.  There has been a major discussion around here as to what the plan is going to be.  We have always coordinated costumes but the kids are in to very different things.  We did come up with a pretty good compromise I think!  We went around town looking for the costumes.  Didn't find any and had to order on Amazon but Ben did find this awesome Jengo Fett costume for cheap!
The leaves are just beautiful right now.  I feel so blessed to get to drive over the mountain every day and just get to enjoy God's beautiful creation.  Knowing how He created the world so perfectly that the seasons change every few months giving us new beauty.  I am just in awe every time I look at it.
Tonight we went to a PTA meeting at Ben's school (still can't believe I go to PTA meetings).  The 2nd grade kids put on a super cute play called "Phantom of the Octagon."  It was so funny and the kids loved it!
And finally Kate.  She has been having some issues with potty lately.  Nothing like potty training for 7 months.  So she didn't get a cupcake this afternoon due to an accident.  She did well during the play so she got it tonight.  As you can tell she really liked it!
That gets you all caught up on all the happenings at the Eckley house!

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