Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Change of Seasons

Well it is that dreaded time of year.  Time to change out the kids closets.  I would have to say it is up there on my list of things I really don't like.  It makes such a big mess and is just tiring.  But it is always good to get it done.  The problem here in Alabama is that as soon as I change out the closets it always turns really warm again and they need to wear summer stuff.  And yes it was up to 80 today.  Oh well.  Looks likes 60's this weekend so we will need them very soon.  
I am so excited about Kate's cute clothes for this fall and winter!  Check out this awesome pumpkin outfit!!  She she not the cutest thing ever.  While we were out today people were pointing at her and talking about her.  She was just so adorable.  
 And not to be left out...  Ben in his earmuffs and slippers!

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