Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thank You Mrs. Martha

One of the best things I have found about blogging is being able to keep up with old friends.  They can stay up to date on our life so that when we talk they already know what is going on.  I just love that!  I run into lots of old friends and the first thing they say is "I follow your blog and know what is going on with you guys - I hope that's ok."  Of course it is ok!!!  That is why I put our life out there on the internet.  I love all the sweet comments I get from all of you guys about things in our life (like the awesome encouragement you gave me on Sunday morning Mrs. Tidwell - that made my day).  It is such an encouragement to me.  Like it says at  the top of the blog.  Our life is nothing fancy or crazy - it's just us.  And we want you to follow along.  So keep reading (and letting me know what you think). 

One of the sweet people that follows along is Mrs. Martha.  She is the mom of high school friends of Matt and I.  She is a loyal follower and always has such great encouragement.  She recently bought a bunch of Kate's old clothes for her new granddaughter.  Well today she called and said she had a surprise for the kiddos so I ran by and picked it up.  The kids were so excited to see what it was!  And they LOVE their new Mickey shirt and Tinkerbell nightgown.  They could not wait to put them on tonight.  So they wanted to say, "Thank You Mrs. Martha!!!"  

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