Monday, October 1, 2012

So Long September... Hello October

I cannot believe it is already October!  September was a CRAZY month around the Eckley house.  At the beginning of the month when I looked at the calendar I knew the goal was just going to be make it through.  Well we made it and I would say it went pretty well.  We are glad to be moving on to October.  Although, I am not sure it is going to be any less busy.  

Thankfully the last weekend in September was a little less busy than some of the others.  Friday I had a blast getting to paint my nephew's nursery with my brother.  We knocked it out in 3 hours which wasn't bad for the "C team" paint team.  It is going to be such a cute nursery.  Can't wait for Kelly to finish it up and post pictures.  It was fun time to hang with my bro as well!
Matt had to work late Friday night and Ben spent the night at his buddy Evan's house so it was just Kate and I.  So we had to get some frozen yogurt!  That is just one of those things you have to do on a girl's night.
Saturday morning Ben had a soccer game.  We decided to head up to the botanical gardens since it was such a nice day.  Poor Kate had a rough time.  She had a couple of really hard falls and lots of trips.  She even took a tumble into a giant mud puddle.  She came home scrapped up and bruised up.  That girl is tough stuff.  She didn't cry once.  We enjoyed the gardens.  Lots of fun fall things including the scarecrows.

Sunday was church and naps for everyone!  Well not everyone as I read an entire book in the afternoon.    Yep, that is my luxury.  It sit down and get lost in a fictional world.  I finished up the Baxter series.  I have been reading these books since college and this was the last one.  I sure did enjoy my lazy, down time!  Those are the best kind of days.  Now it is off and running on a new week and month.  I am paying for my lazy day yesterday trying to catch up on everything today.  Excited to see what October has in store for us.

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