Monday, November 26, 2012

A Few Final Thanksgiving Thoughts

So I noticed I had a few more pictures left over from last week that I thought I would share today.  Ben was so excited to make an Indian (Native American if I am being PC) costume in school last week.  They learned all about Indian symbols and decorated their costumes.  I thought he looked too cute!

 Last week was just beautiful.  Highs were in the 60's and 70's.  It was sunny and just perfect.  We spent hours playing outside.  It was just wonderful.  Our driveway is still beautifully decorated from all the sidewalk chalk.  I love just getting to play and be with my kiddos!
We also made some fun turkey cookies for Thanksgiving.  The kids did a great job helping.  Ben really got into it and put all the feathers and eyes on.

 Our turkeys turned out really cute!
What a fun week it was just getting to be with my kiddos.  They are really special kids and I don't ever want to take for granted the time I get to spend with them.

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