Sunday, November 25, 2012

Getting Caught Up

It has been a busy few days since I posted about our Thanksgiving.  We have really enjoyed the time off from school and done lots of fun things.  It started on Friday when the mood struck me and I decided to get out the Christmas decor.  Matt had to work on Friday so I was on my own but I wanted to get it done.  I got it all put up with some help from a couple of little helper elves!
 They have fun playing in the empty tree box.

 I just love it when our house is all decorated.  It feels so cozy and festive.  I love sitting at the end of a long day with the tree lights on and just enjoying it.
Friday night we went to the Havoc hockey game.  we had never been before but it was a lot of fun.  Ben's buddy Evan joined us for the night and we met up with Kelly and Andrew and some friends from church.  It was a great way to spend the evening.

All Kate wanted was popcorn so Matt bought the world's largest bucket of popcorn.  And it was all eaten!

 Saturday morning we had family pictures made.  Then we went over to our neighbor's house to watch the Iron Bowl.  It is usually an unwritten rule that you can't watch the game in mixed company but since everyone knew it was going to be a blow out they invited lots of different people over.  It was nice to chat and eat good food to take our minds off how bad the game was.  The final score was 49-0.  HORRIBLE.  But Auburn is hopefully starting a new and better era for football.
 The kids had fun playing during the game.

Real life started back today with church and then laundry and such.  Sad for school to start back tomorrow.  I sure have enjoyed time with my sweet little guy.

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