Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Little More Halloween Fun

I promise the Halloween pictures are almost over!  Just a few more.  I wanted to share a few from Kate's school functions over the past few days.  On Monday she got to join the class for a little trick or treating around the school.  Kate really wanted to be a princess for Halloween so she was so excited to wear her Ariel dress for this.  I just love this picture of Kate and Isaac.  Kate looks so cute!
 Kate's sweet teacher Miss Kristina was also dressed like Ariel so I had to get a picture of them together.
 Sweet Kate dressed as Ariel.
 They all had a great time going around getting candy from the church offices.  For our candy fanatic this was awesome!
 Yesterday her class had a little Halloween party.  Kate was so excited to get to go.

 Kate and Kaylee!  They are so silly together.  One of the cutest things about this little class is how whenever one of them leaves they all have to jump up and hug.  It is so sweet.

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