Monday, November 5, 2012

Celebrating Perry!!

We had a wonderful weekend full of lots of fun and celebrating.  Friday night we got together for dinner with our friends the Cabras.  The kids had an amazing time playing and the adults had a great time talking.  It is always fun to get together lifelong friends!  Can't wait to get together again soon.  

Saturday and Sunday were actually a pretty low key days compared to some of the weekends we have had lately.  The big excitement was 2 baby showers for baby Perry!  We are all so excited that he is going to be here in just about 9 weeks.  The kids talk about him all the time.  Ben prays for him several times everyday.  They cannot wait.  Neither can I!  It was so much fun to get to go to the showers and see all the fun gifts for the little guy.  Doesn't Kelly look amazing.  
 There were the cutest cupcakes and cookies at both showers.

 Matt did a great job holding down the house while I was partying!  The boys had a fun time Saturday night going out to dinner and then going to see "Wreck It Ralph."  Sunday morning the kids looked so cute prior to church.  I love when I can match them.  Ben thinks it is really fun to match Kate.

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