Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012

It's a big day!  Election Day is always exciting.  It always reminds me of the amazing freedoms we have has Americans.  Even if things don't turn out the way we want, we are so very blessed that we can vote for our leaders with total freedom.  For that I am so very thankful.  

Voting today went really easy - compared to 4 years ago when I waited in line for almost 3 hours.  Today both Matt and I were able to just walk up and vote.  That was just awesome!  Kate enjoyed her first presidential election day.  I enjoy teaching the kids about elections and how blessed we are to live in America.  
 Ben was proudly showing off his "I Voted" sticker.
It is now almost 9:30 and things are still too close to call.  It doesn't look that great right now but that's ok because we know exactly who is in control!  Right now just trusting in God's perfect sovereignty.  It might be a long night (which brings back crazy memories of 2000 election and sleeping on my dorm room floor in front of our fuzzy TV - good times!).

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