Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Birthday Weekend Getaway

Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days.  We were away over the weekend and then hit the ground running when we got home getting ready for a little girl's birthday later this week.  We had a fun weekend away in the mountains.  Matt's dad's birthday was Sunday and it was a big one (60)!  So we went with the family for a little getaway to celebrate.  It was fun to get away with family and do some things outside.  We did some hiking.  

 Checked out DeSoto falls!

 Did lots of relaxing and watching some football.  Ben even got a basketball lesson from Uncle Brett.
 We stayed at a beautiful house with gorgeous views of the mountainside.  It was fun to just sit outside and take in God's beauty.
 Me and my sweetie!!  :)
It was a fun weekend!  Glad we could celebrate Mike.

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