Friday, November 9, 2012

Veteran's Day Program

Last night Ben's school put on a very special Veteran's Day program.  The whole school participated.  They have not done a whole school program in a long time because there are so many kids.  It was so neat!  Very patriotic and just a great presentation about the freedoms we have.  It was so refreshing to see a public school that is teaching the truth about our country and how wonderful it is because of the sacrifice of the men and women in our military.  
 Ben had a great time participating.  They sang several songs.  There was also a Lt. Col. that spoke about the rights given to us by God and how it is so important that we protect those rights.  It was awesome!  They also did a special presentation to a family in the school who's father died in combat last year.  I don't think there was a dry eye in the room.

 They made this giant flag out all of the handprints of the students in the school.  How very special.
Here's Ben with a couple of his buddies!  They had a great time.  
It sure was a great night and a reminder of how much we have to celebrate as Americans.

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