Thursday, November 8, 2012

Packing Shoeboxes & A Goat

So yesterday I had the total panic moment about Christmas being just a few weeks away.  While I am still panicked, I am also excited that we got to do one of my favorite parts of Christmas this past weekend.  We got to pack our boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  It is one of our favorite traditions.  The kids love getting to go shopping for fun things to put in their boxes.  They pick out things they would like to have and then we pack the boxes for kids their ages.  

They were so proud of their boxes and could not wait to take them to church on Sunday.  We are tracking them this year so we can find out where they go.  

 On Saturday we also did a little Christmas shopping for our sponsored child.  Ben and Matt looked at the gift options online and made their decision.
We got Safari a church outfit and a goat!!

Yep a goat.  Ben was so excited to get him a goat.  We were reading about what all it provides for Safari and his family.  It is amazing what one little goat can do in a 3rd world country. Who wouldn't want a goat for Christmas.  Sponsoring Safari has been such a blessing to our family.  We love learning about him and his family and sharing with him about us.  I would highly recommend sponsorship!  We sponsor Safari through Africa New Life Ministries.  They have a great program.  You can check it out here.  What a great way to kick off the holiday season by giving to others!

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