Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Relaxing Christmas Eve

We survived Christmas!  It was just wonderful.  So many great memories.  I can't wait to share them all over the next few days.  We had the most relaxing Christmas Eve that I can remember.  We had nothing on the schedule which was nice.  The kids stayed in their PJs all day.  Matt and Ben worked on Legos all morning!
 We made cookies for Santa (ok so we broke and baked cookies for Santa). 
 We did finally get dressed late afternoon and headed to church. 
 We always enjoy the Christmas Eve vesper service at our church.  It is a great way to start focusing on the real meaning of Christmas.  We sing hymns and the children go up front to hear the Christmas story and sing some songs.  Kate was hilarious.  She was pushing Ben the whole time and spinning around during the singing.  It was funny and so Kate. 
 After the service we picked up our blessing baskets to deliver.  This is one of our favorite parts of Christmas Eve.  We get to deliver baskets of cookies to people who have to work.  This year we delivered to 2 floors at the women's and children's hospitals.  We always enjoy talking to the kids about how it is better to give at Christmas than to get. 
 On the way home we picked up our traditional Christmas Eve dinner of China Cook!  We look forward to it all year.  Such a fun tradition. 
 Then we had our Happy Birthday Jesus party.  We sang "Happy Birthday" and read the Christmas story from the Bible. 
 Then it was off to bed for two kiddos after putting out the cookies for Santa. 
It really was the perfect Christmas Eve. 

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