Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Morning

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to posting.  It has been a busy few days.  I am excited to share the rest of the Christmas pictures! 
Christmas morning at our house was so much fun!!!  The kids were at perfect ages for all the fun and excitment of Christmas morning. 
"Santa" stopped by our house for sure. Check out Ben's stash! He got lots of Legos and Star Wars stuff of course.  His big present was the Lego Millenium Falcon. 
Kate must have been a good girl this year as well.  She got a doll house and American Girl Bitty Twins.  She also got her stuffed rabbit. 
Matt and I woke up extra early to make sure we beat the kids up.  They of course slept much later so we were just waiting on them.  They were so excited to go check it all out!

They had fun looking at everything they got.  It was then time to dig into stockings!  Ben was so excited about his I love Bacon shirt!
Kate was excited about her Belle shirt. 
I also got a fun shirt.  It was a Love Africa shirt to support a local adoption.  So cute. 
Kate got lots of clothes for her babies and enjoyed dressing them up! 
We had a yummy breakfast of pigs in a blanket and sticky buns.  Then it was time to open presents.  Matt got some new clothes, an underwater camera, Wii games and a weather radio. 
Ben went shopping at the Mistletoe market at school and bought each of us a special gift just from him.  I got this great ornament!  I loved it!  I also got Zumba for the Wii, running clothes, a blog book and some new shoes. 
My absolute favorite moment of the morning was when Kate opened her present from Ben (a princess dress).  Kate was so excited.  She told Ben thank you about 100 times.  It was so sweet!! 
I saw a great quote by Andy Rooney "One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly."  There was a massive mess but it was just so much fun!! 
It was the perfect Christmas morning.  Such special memories we will cherish forever!

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