Sunday, December 30, 2012

Last Christmas!

Christmas night we had one more Christmas at my parent's house!  It is always such a fun time that we all look forward to.  One of my favorite parts is my mom's lasagna!!  This year it was extra special because we got to add another stocking.  Perry's stocking fits right in with Ben and Kate's. 
 Ben did a great job reading all the tags and passing out the presents. 
 You will see in the pictures Kate liked to help everyone open their presents!
 She was also excited about her new pet vet station. 
 There were some funny gifts as well.  Andrew was so excited about his nasty lemon water and mint jelly!
 Ben of course got more Legos!

 Andrew rocking his "Hey, where's Perry?" shirt! 

 I loved my new chevron throw!
 Kate was so excited about her wagon for her Bitty Twins. 

 It was such a fun evening of gifts and family.  We all got so many great things!  Thanks to everyone!! 

Matt had to head back to work on Wednesday so he headed home.  The rest of us spent the night!  Something we never get to do at my parent's house.  It was fun to wake up and have breakfast with them.  The boys worked on putting Legos together. 
What a fun time we had in all of our Christmas celebrations!! 

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