Sunday, December 30, 2012

Since Christmas

Things have been really busy since Christmas.  We have been doing lots of fun things but also trying to get things back in order.  It is amazing how much you have to do after Christmas.  Matt had to head right back to work and I had to work a little on Friday.  The kids and I got to spend the day on Thursday with the Wright family.  Always so much fun to get to hang out with them.  Can't wait until they move back!!!!!!  I didn't take any pictures of their visit - SAD!! 
We have managed to do some other fun things.  I got to go out to the movies with my friend Kim on Thursday night.  We saw Les Mis which was awesome.  Matt went and saw The Hobbit on Friday night!
 We have spent hours finding places to put all the new toys and stuff.  We had to totally redo Ben's room and added some great new storage.  We got all the Christmas decor put up as well.  The house always looks so empty without the Christmas stuff but it is nice to have things back to normal. 
 The kiddos have really enjoyed playing with all their new toys and have been great.  We decided they needed a special treat.  We headed over the Sweet CeCe's in the pouring down cold rain. 

 The boys have also spent lots of time putting together lots of Legos.  They are on their last set - the biggest!  They love it!!  Ben is getting so good at putting them together.  He pretty much does it himself. 
I think that gets me all caught up on things.  Just in time for 2013!!! 

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