Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Looking Ahead to 2013

The Eckleys at the start of 2012

 The Eckleys at the start of 2013
I am so excited for 2013!!!!  It is going to be a great year.  Really I know it is.  I have been thinking alot about what it will hold for our family.  I don't really have a good answer for that but I do know one thing...  It is going to be a year of obedience.  We are looking forward to having an overflow of Jesus so much so that we can do nothing but obey Him.  It is a scary place to be but we know that is what we want because it is what He wants for us!  It will be so exciting to see what all God has in store for us this year. 

We have our yearly "thing" each year.  It has been hard coming up with something but I think mine is going to be crocheting.  I have always wanted to know how to crochet.  I have issues with always having to have my hands moving so it will be a good outlet.  My friend Kim and I are going to learn together.  Should be fun.  I am also going to work on reading more and praying more.  Matt is still thinking on his "thing." 

2013 will be a year of fun for us.  We are headed on a cruise for Spring Break which we are super excited about!!  Matt and I will also celebrate 10 years of marriage this year (I can't believe that)!  We are hoping to take a fun trip just the 2 of us. 

I know the year will be lots of fun with the kids.  They are both at such fun ages and it will be great to see how much they change and learn over the next year.  We will welcome baby Perry in a few days so that will be great for the East family.  Perry will be hanging out with us for a few months when Kelly goes back to work so that will be an new adventure!  It is going to be awesome!! 

So much to look forward to...

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