Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Post

Lots to catch up on from the last few days.  We have been busy as always.  Saturday we celebrated Kelly's birthday with dinner at Rosies and then cookie cake at our house!  I love birthdays!! 
 Sunday we left on a whirlwind trip down to Auburn and LaFayette.  We were gone for about 24 hours and packed a lot in.  First stop was a visit with my grandmother in Auburn. 
 Then it was lunch at one of our favorite Auburn restaurants - Niffers with my college roommate Jamye and her family.  I love Jamye and it is always good to see her.  Her daughter Morgan is just precious!
 Things have changed a lot in the last 10 years since we ate at Niffers last!
 Then it was on to LaFayette to visit with GG!!  The kids were so excited. 
 They loved all their fun gifts from her.  We had a great time. 
 We headed back early Monday morning and got home to do a few things and then get ready for the new year.  We went over to our friends the Newby's house for the evening.  We enjoyed a laid back time of good food and fun games!  That is my kind of new years!
 We were shocked that we made it all the way until almost midnight.  The girls had so much fun playing together.  They did start melting down at 11:30 so we headed home then.  But that meant we were actually awake for midnight which hasn't happened in a long time. 
While we were ringing in the new year Ben was spending the night at his buddy Jonah's house.  They had a great time together!! 
What a fun few days is was.  Now it is back to reality.  Matt went back to work yesterday and school starts back tomorrow.  Although there are some very exciting things happening tomorrow.  Stay tuned...

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