Thursday, January 3, 2013

Perry James East

Today was an AMAZING day!!!!  I got to meet my brand new nephew.  Perry James East arrived at 2:34 pm on 1/3/13.  He weighed in at 7 pounds 13 oz and was 19.5 inches long.  It is absolutely perfect!!  He has a head full of red hair and is so precious!!
 The kids were so excited to wear their big cousin shirts to school today!
 Kelly had a scheduled induction due to high blood pressure.  Poor thing has been a trooper the last few weeks and had a really tough day today.  She was a ROCK STAR!!
 We did a lot of waiting around to hear some news!
 Andrew wore his awesome Perry shirt.
 This was the text I got right after he was born!  Best text ever!!
 I loved seeing my little bro settle into his role as a dad.  He was great.  He gave Perry his first bath.
 I love this picture with all his crazy hair!
 This is my other favorite!  3 generation of East men.
 And of course I had to get a picture with him!  I was in heaven in my role as Auntie Em.
One last one of the sweetness!!  
Kelly had a tough day and has to be on medication for the next 24 hours that makes her feel really bad so we let her rest.  Hopefully the kids will get to meet Perry tomorrow or Saturday if they are up to it.  The kids can't wait.  Be ready for more cuteness over the next few days!

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